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Scorpios are known for their intense and mysterious nature. Their ruling planet, Pluto, is associated with power, transformation, and regeneration, which are apt descriptions for their personalities. Here are a few key characteristics of Scorpios: 1. Intensity - Scorpios are not known for half-heartedness. When they commit to something, they give it their all, whether it's a job, relationship or hobby. They tend to have a burning passion for the things they believe in, and can be quite single-minded in their pursuit of their goals. 2. Emotional depth - Scorpios are known for being in touch with their emotions, even if they don't always show them on the surface. They can be quite private and guarded about their feelings, but they feel things deeply and often hold onto grudges for a long time. 3. Determination - When Scorpios set their minds to something, it's difficult to deter them from their path. They have a strong will and will keep pushing forward even in the face of adversity. This can make them quite successful in their endeavors. 4. Mysteriousness - Scorpios tend to have an air of mystery about them. They don't tend to open up to people easily, and may even seem aloof or standoffish. This can make it difficult for others to get to know them, but those who do often find them fascinating and complex. 5. Intuition - Scorpios are known for their keen intuition and ability to "read" people. They are often able to pick up on subtle cues and body language, and can often tell if someone is lying or being insincere. Overall, Scorpios are complex and intriguing individuals. While they can be difficult to get to know at first, those who take the time to understand them often find them to be loy『研习更多 星座生肖配对查询常识请关注 :梅喜星座生肖网,wWw.imEIXi.cC〕】」al and fiercely devoted friends and partners.


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