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"La flèche argentée" - The Silver Arrow "La flèche argentée" is the French translation of "The Silver Arrow" and is a perfect name for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. This zodiac symbolizes a free-spirited individual who has a strong sense of adventure and will always strive to seek new experiences. The Sagittarius is represented by the archer, which is a perfect analogy for their ability to always aim for their goals, no matter ho『浏览更多 生肖配对查询文章请关注 :星座配对网,wWw.XINGzuoPEIdui.CC〗w far or difficult they may seem. These individuals possess an innate sense of optimism and always look towards the future with a positive attitude. Their love for adventure and exploration is what sets them apart from other zodiac signs. They are always eager to travel, experience different cultures, and meet new people. Their sense of curiosity is what drives them forward, and it's this trait that makes them successful in life. Sometimes, the Sagittarius can come across as being reckless or impulsive, but they are governed by a sense of purpose that guides them towards their goals. They are not afraid to take risks, as they know that without taking risks, they'll never realize their full potential, In conclusion, "La flèche argentée" is a fitting name for those born under the sign of Sagittarius. It represents their adventurous nature, their optimistic outlook on life, and their ability to aim for their goals with precision and accuracy. They are individuals who will not hesitate to take risks, and they will always strive to be the best versions of themselves.


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