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陈若仪 八字

陈若仪 is a girl born in 1998 in Yueyang, Hunan Province. Her eight characters are: year of Geng Yin, month of Ji You, day of Ji Hai, and hour of Bing Wu. People born in the year of Geng Yin have the heavenly stem Geng and the earthly branch Yin, and Yin is wood, while Geng is hard gold, so they have the image of "wood cutting metal". Chen Ruoyi is strong-willed and has high executive ability, but she can also be somewhat inflexible due to her stubbornness. People born in the month of Ji You have the heavenly stem Ji and the earthly branch You.「浏览更多 解梦自查免费文章请关注 :999解梦网,wWw.JieMenG999.COm〕」 You is metal and Ji is earth, which meets Geng Jin, making it easy to have the feeling of "soil too thick, gold too inferior". Chen Ruoyi is honest and trustworthy, and acts steadily, but sometimes hesitates due to a lack of decisiveness. People born in the day of Ji Hai have Hai as water and Ji as earth, and water and earth are mutually nourishing with the meaning of "moistening things silently". Chen Ruoyi is gentle in nature, good at caring for others, but sometimes overlooks her own needs because of excessive concern for others. People born in the hour of Bing Wu have Bing as fire and Wu as a furnace. The furnace burns up, so people born in Bing Wu hour tend to be enthusiastic and energetic, but also prone to impulsiveness and recklessness.


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